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Feeling like Minting Issue One Mfer?

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6k+ reviews (4.8 of 5) Please Horny!

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Read the FAQs Dum Dum

Read the FAQs Dum Dum

Read the FAQs Dum Dum

FAQs 4 Dum Dums

Mint Details

Mint Date: Friday Nov 25, 2022 at 12pm EST / 9am PST / 5pm UTC
Mint Cost: 69 ADA
Supply: 1000
Variations: 8 unique covers
Includes: 5 full length articles & a message from the editor
Policy ID: 79fe781878c42559dcb16749306f2dc22163668e4f4f24ac7bea5d83

Mint link: Here Mfer!

What’s in it for the Mfers?

A full quality, printable, 7 page magazine packed with the dirtiest stories and news from Yew Nork with 8 unique covers. Collect all 8 variations and you may find yourself in a future edition of the Irrational Geographic

Where are the mint funds going?

The Irrational HQ put a lot of work into all this… you think we’re planning on giving a single Lovelace back to the community? Of course!

All royalties (4.5%) will be going to the Yew Nork Landfill, as well as future editions of the magazine will be airdropped to certain .2Bill traits. 

Who TF are you Mfers?

Brought to you by two original Mfers who have been through all the twists and turns of Fuckery. From the secret discord reveal, to the TITIII bathroom fight, both vault hunts, to the Fed’s fake rug stunt, as well as countless auctions and mint days. Maybe you should DYOR and read the About page

What does IG stand for?

Irrational Geographic stands by and upholds the original principles of Old Money: to make Mfers rich again! In these trying times of inflation, we believe that an Mfer needs to stay educated in all forms of fuckery. That’s why we won’t sleep until every Mfer and whitename gets the spoon of knowledge and justice.

Irrational Geographic has always been a part of my life and will continue to be one. If you're looking for stunning photos or unbiased information about the life of an Mfer, this is the site that will not disappoint. Irrational Geographic's magazines are also a must-mint. They're very informative and interesting. Every photo of theirs will make you feel like you were there in the moment.

Big ol BitchSlave States Senate

Been an IrateGeo subscriber for many years. However since the tiny dick epidemic and Horny Slandurz incident, IrateGeo and many other iconic, non-socio biased USSA publications have focused almost exclusively on dick measuring and socialist events. I fear the editorial management staff have smoked too much on the reservation. It's a shame but I'm not renewing my subscription

Sandra BullcockPopular Holdyawood Actress

I have been an Irrational Geographic member for 55 years, from the age of 10. In the past several years I have found the magazine has lost focus to its mission and is now trying to compete with the Underbelly or the Yew Norker. For most of the past year I have looked briefly through their piece of shit "issues" and have thrown them into the Yew Nork Land Fill without reading a full article. I will not renew the magazine and will not go on any trips organized by Irrational Geographic. They pissed in my cheerios for the last time!

Peeanu Reavesfoundooor of @SappySealsNFT

obviously a cash grab you are blind
yeah, keep tagging me to protect your bags, people already DMing me and say it's a rug
keep dreaming bag holders
cause i know how nfts are working bro and I'm not a bag holder like you

Ponzimus MaximusConcerned Mfer - Bag Holder
Mint yours now!

C'mon Mfer! Check out the First Issue!

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